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Dishwasher Tablets

Dishwasher tablets

  • Minimum quantity20000 Pieces
  • Port of dispatchRussian Federation
  • TypeManufacturer
  • Processing time1 Week
  • Estimate pricingNot-available
  • Packagingcarton

Products Description

GLASTER odorless dishwasher tablets are convenient multipurpose eco tablets that are phosphate-free, biodegradable with a detergent function and contain active ingredients that clean even stubborn dirt without leaving streaks. Produced in Russia! Before use it is necessary to remove the individual packing from the tablet. They give your dishes a dazzling shine and protect them from limescale and other impurities. The detergent formula of the white powder in a soluble tablet from the dishwasher package quickly and thoroughly cleans burnt food residues, and also fights well with tea and coffee stains. Thanks to such phosphate-free tablets, your dishwasher will easily cope with its task, because the formula contains salt, which softens water. Your machine will be happy with such care. Dishwasher tablets and capsules are great products (from household products) for washing dishes. They are suitable for any kind of dishes, even children's dishes. Dishwasher tablets have a number of additives to protect glass, to protect metal, detergent boosters, rinse aid and a pleasant fragrance. The functions of cleaning tablets for the pmm: cleaning, removing tea and coffee stains.

Products Specification


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Classic member


  • Russian Federation

Business type - Manufacturer

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